The Imperialist Effort of Spreading Misinformation Is Going On Unabated

 Dr. Bhaskar Chakraborty


We are sad that we have been proved correct! That, by research performed by accredited scientists, it has now been proved beyond doubt that the COVID vaccines are dangerous to mankind. It is like a double edged sword, though. To the people who have accepted the vaccines (a large section of the population have done so), it is very sensitive to bring up the subject of the danger that they have exposed themselves to, and if we do not, we will be held guilty of dereliction of duty to the society.

In end September, 2022, a British Indian Cardiologist have accused the Pfizer COVID vaccines of contributing to the sudden death of his father1.

From the inception of group Global Rational Alliance for Public Health (GRAPH), from 2021, and then after the formation of the organisation People’s Alliance for Public Health (PAPH), in 2022, we have been campaigning against the dangers posed by the COVID vaccines. Our campaigns were founded on the primary discussions with some of the leading experts in this field. Later researches done worldwide and collated by these same experts have given us and the world a great volume of information on the dangers of the COVID vaccines2.

It has been proved now, that the mRNA based COVID vaccines, which are genetically moified organisms (by the admission of the manufacturers themselves), may bring about disorders of the central nervous system3. It has also been proved beyond doubt that these vaccines may cause vascular damage4. The evidence of cardiovascular damage is so strong that the imperialists themselves had to concede to demands by researchers and put a warning on the Patient Information Leaflet of these vaccines that they may cause myocarditis.

The imperialists however have not stopped their blitzkrieg of misrepresentations, misinformations, half truths and total lies. They have started a campaign of so called ‘long COVID’, in the media, however much scientifically unfounded it may be. They have brought up the campaign that this so called long COVID is the cause of the recent spate in the incidence and prevalence of cardiovascular diseases.

However, a recent research done in Israel, has deflated this imperialist lie again. A research in Israel done on the medical records of almost two hundred thousand patients has shown that there is no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in COVID recovered patients as compared to uninfected people5. This again vindicates our stand that it is vaccines and not the disease of COVID19, that may have caused the recent spate of increase in the incidence of cardiovascular events.

The imperialists will bring about hundreds of such conspiracies. The very foundation of imperialism stands upon conspiratorial practices to sustain their existence. The duty of scientists is to uphold the essence of science in the favour of the people and bring in the open, the truth. The truth will make us free.






5. Tuvali, O.; Tshori, S.; Derazne, E.; Hannuna, R.R.; Afek, A.; Haberman, D.; Sella, G.; George, J.

The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients—A Large

Population-Based Study. J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 2219.


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