It is elementary, dear Watson!

We have gone through the COVID pandemic. We have braced the first, second and third waves. Along with it, the first, second and third waves of house arrests (lockdowns), waves to arrest the dissent of the peoples. Waves of loss of work. Waves of corruption. The waves of selling the assets of the country.   

Some critics  say, that before these waves started, there were much activity underneath. What activities, we probed; and came up with some gems of events world wide, which may look like co- incidents if they remain scattered in history, scattered in our common memory.  

However, if we place them in order, in a sequence, we must wonder-  is it possible to have so many planned events, in a series, over so many years which are just incidental and innocent? 

We may add to this, the fact that the diagnostic tool, which detects the presence of COVID 19, i.e., the SARS CoV 2 qRTPCR, has been deemed  fraudulent. Hence the very basis of such large number of cases have been  shattered. 

Also the WHO, has made forcible paradigm shifts in the definition of a case of COVID 19. It has decreed that for this disease, infection shall tantamount to the diagnosis of disease which is in clear violation of the basic concepts of epidemiology. 

Still not being able to instill fear worldwide, in the first wave, the WHO became more totalitarian before they declared the second. They dictated to the doctors, a change in the ICD 10, for deaths. As per their new rule, every death, with a positivity of SARS CoV 2 qRTPCR, had to be treated as a COVID 19 death, whether  or not that was the real cause. This decree helped to increase the numbers of death in the second wave and heighten the fear psychoses among the populace, fanned to the zenith by the international media. 

And last, but not the least, we must mention that Mr. Klaus Schwab,  the director of the World Economic Forum, the international forum for big business, the MNCs, has declared in a book he has authored, that the COVID 19 pandemic has been very instrumental in bringing in the great reset for MNCs of the world. This great reset, he has named the fourth industrial revolution. 

Now, do you think that, in the backdrop of a severe worldwide crisis of the industry, heightening in 2019, and brewing on for the last decade, the captains of world industry will want to wait for a chance that may be brought upon by some weird disease?  

The impossibility of, the string of events prior to the pandemic being co-incidental, the diagnostic test itself being fraudulent, the WHO making forcible paradigm shifts in medical concepts, the fear psychoses being built up by the governments and media, as well as the impossibility of the captains of world industry waiting for a pandemic to befall the populace so as to help them tide over the economic crisis - all point to the truth behind the pandemic, and that is a grand design. A grand design by the captains of imperialism. QED.


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