The Backdrop of The Pandemic – A Note

Bhaskar Chakraborty
We are now going through the COVID pandemic. We have braced the first wave as also the second. Along with it, the first and second waves of house arrests (lockdowns), waves to arrest the dissent of the peoples. Waves of loss of work. Waves of corruption. The first and second waves of selling the assets of the country. The third is waiting behind the wings of the stage, they say.
Some critics and cynics say that before these waves started, there were much activity underneath. What activities, we probed; and came up with some gems. Well, whether they are gems, is for the readers to decide, so here goes the chronology of events.
  • Since 2003, the top of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness homepage has contained the following statement: “An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” However, scarcely one month before the H1N1 pandemic in 2009 was declared, the web page was altered. The phrase “enormous numbers of deaths and illness” had been removed and the revised web page simply read as follows: “An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity.”[1] Thus, thereafter it became easy for the WHO to declare a pandemic anytime as it wishes, even if the causative agent is not so harmful.
  • The Rockfeller Foundation, published, in 2010, a plan for tackling the future scenarios of the world. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. In the book, there are 4 scenarios, one of which is a pandemic, and how to bring back a new normal in such a scenario. The name of the management plan for this scenario was written as “Lockstep”.  
  • In 2010, the Hollywood film industry produced a horror film named The Dead Plague. This film showed a Corona virus pandemic and depicted the use of hydroxychloroquine as an antidote.  
  • In 2011, the Hollywood film industry produced another film Contagion. This film by Warner Brothers was given a wide publicity and premiered in the 68th International Film Festival at Venice, Italy. This depicted in minute detail, the pandemic situation, that we are going through from 2020, in most parts of the world.
  • TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design) is an organization in the USA, headed by Chris Anderson. This organization spreads new ideas as video talks through the internet. In such a series of talks, the TED Talks, they brought in Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft, in March 2015. He lectured on the coming pandemic and said that we should be prepared by investing in research on microbiology, rather than on armaments. In the background was run a repetitive short video on the influenza virus[2].
  • In July 2015, Jeremy Farar, one of the directors of Wellcome Trust, Stanley Plotkin, an American doctor and Adel Mahmud, an American infectious disease specialist, wrote an article, Establishing a Global Vaccine Development Fund. The World Economic Forum discussed this in its annual session in 2016, in Davos, Switzerland.
  • In January 2017, in Davos, the annual session of the World Economic Forum announced the formation of an international organization called ‘Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations’ (CEPI)[3]. This organization which started its journey with a corpus fund of 460 million US $, had the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, Wellcome Trust, Glaxo Smithkline Beecham and the governments of Norway, Japan and Germany as its investors and founding members. The governments of the European Union, UK and India, joined later. In an interview with the Financial Times, at the inception of this organization, Bill Gates said that one of the main objectives of this organization will be to bring down the time period of development of a vaccine from the current 10 years to about 12 months. It will be worthy of note here that according to the guidelines of WHO, which is still in force, the usual time period needed to develop any drug through proper clinical trials, is 10 to 12 years.  
  • Bill Gates was invited to deliver the Shattuck Lecture, in Boston, Massachussets, on 27th April, 2018. In the course of this lecture, Bill Gates referred to a mathematical model prepared by the Institute of Disease Modelling, and predicted that the next respiratory infection pandemic would kill roughly 33 million people. The Institute of Disease Modelling is an organization funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He even mentioned that the coming respiratory pathogen may not be a type of Influenza, and may be acompletely different type of virus. He described the effort of development of vaccines that was on to manage the pandemic of the future, especially the efforts of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases led by Antony Fauci.  He called on the government of the USA, to make a wartime preparedness to tackle the future pandemic, as it is the only country with such capabilities.
  • On April, 28th, 2021, Bill Gates from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Harvey Feinberg, from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation were among the chairpersons in a webinar titled “Epidemics Going Viral: Innovation Versus Nature” arranged by the New England Journal of Medicine and Masachussets Medical Society[4].  
  • The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board was formed under the aegis of the WHO and the World Bank, in May, 2018.
This board published its 1st annual report in September 2019, on the preparedness status of the world to manage a future respiratory infection pandemic. This report set 7 urgent tasks for the governments and other stakeholders. If one reads through this report and specially the 7 urgent tasks, one will be sure that there certainly was some ‘heavenly prediction and guide’ on a future respiratory infection pandemic. Here, I am quoting task no. 4.  
“Countries, donors and multilateral institutions must be prepared for the worst. A rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen (whether naturally emergent or accidentally or deliberately released) poses additional preparedness requirements. Donors and multilateral institutions must ensure adequate investment in developing innovative vaccines and therapeutics, surge manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum antivirals and appropriate nonpharmaceutical interventions. All countries must develop a system for immediately sharing genome sequences of any new pathogen for public health purposes along with the means to share limited medical countermeasures across countries”.   
  • ID2020 is a company which was founded among others, by Microsoft Inc. of Bill Gates, and which has as its agenda the development of technology for digital identification of all people. This company made an important announcement in September 2019, that they are undertaking a project of developing technology for digital identification of children through vaccines and that this project will be financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation[5].
  • In the same month, September ,2019, the same company declared that they are undertaking a project  of Digital Identification in Bangladesh in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). The GAVI has as its members, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the WHO, the UNICEF, participant governments, donor governments (as different categories), NGOs, R&D companies, Vaccine Manufacturers etc[6]. This declaration was echoed from the World Economic Forum, in January 2020. Thus blended the projects of vaccines and the digital identification of individuals!  
  • In October, 2019, the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security arranged the “Event 201”, which was described as “a high level Corona virus pandemic simulation exercise”. This event was attended by representatives of the United Nations, all the big banking corporations, the big media houses, the big logistical companies, the big pharma companies, the CDC of both USA and China, and aided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum[7].  
  • In November, 2019, the Pirbright Institute[8], a research institute, obtained a patent on the whole family of Corona Viruses. The patent no. is 15750093.5. The application of patents, however asked for a patent only on research on Corona viruses which affected the respiratory tract of domestic poultry. The patent application was done on 23.07.2015, 4 months after the Bill Gates’ lecture in TED Talks. Vaccines are usually made from attenuated viruses. The Pirbright Institute is regularly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • On December 19th, 2019, Bill Gates wrote in Twitter, “ I am particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys for global health: vaccines…”  
  • The first case of Corona virus (although diagnosed a few days later) was detected on 1st December 2019, and declared to the world on 1st January 2020.  
  • In India, the COVID vaccines are marketed by the Serum Institute of India, a company of the Poonawallah Group, founded by Dr. Cyrus Poonawallah of Pune. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI, signed an agreement with the Serum Institute of India, in 2020, by way of which the latter will arrange for 100 million doses of the COVID vaccine, and the former two will arrange for a risk fund of 150 million US$ in favour of the latter[9],[10].  
Conspiracy Theory – After going through all of the above, there will still be some who will think that this is a conspiracy theory. They shall rather know the origin of these words. This idea was floated by the CIA, regarding the incidents around the murder of the American President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. JFK was murdered in 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald, a former marine, and a known Marxist was arrested on the charges of his murder. The Warren Commission was set up to look into the murder of JFK and matters related. Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered. Ten witnesses to the murder of JFK died ‘natural deaths’ (as per the government narrative), within a short span of time, before they could narrate their testimony to the Warren Commission. This whole set of incidents led some people to think that this was a conspiracy of scale and they began propagating that idea. To counter this allegation of conspiracy, the CIA floated the narrative of Conspiracy Theory.  
Why this conspiracy of scale? What is the motive force behind a conspiracy of such massive proportions; is it just for maintaining the super profits of the medical industrial complexes and the financial – IT complexes? Or, is their other sinister designs?  
From after the second world war, the imperialists of Europe and America, pointed towards the so called socialist camp (rather the camp of the state capital) and used to propagate that these are authoritarian regimes, the people cannot voice their concerns in these iron curtain countries, and there the government agencies were always keeping a watch on all activities of the people. These western imperialists, the NATO governments, however, made the people of their country forget, in the blitzkrieg of their propaganda that they are actually trying to monitor every move by every individual in their own country and beyond. The last such surveillance scam was revealed from within the CIA by Edward Snowden, a software expert of the CIA. He revealed to us that the CIA was on to a project of surveillance of almost every citizen of USA and also other countries, through their smartphones . Today, we know that even a punctuation mark is subject to surveillance if it is in the internet. Searching and researching with this huge volume of data and transferring the knowledge thus gained to the big industrial, financial corporations or to the states, has become a subject of study – the big data analysis. The big corporations and the states think that they can read the minds of the people with this analysis. After the revelation by Snowden, the project has not been shelved, but people have been warned. Besides, if you stay away from smartphones, you cannot come under surveillance. Hence the next conspiracy of scale, to put a surveillance chip in your body itself. Edward Snowden has stated in an interview in April 2020, that surveillance is their goal, in the name of COVID 19[11].  
Let me end this note with a question to the readers  – is it possible to have so many planned events, in a series, over so many years which are just incidental and innocent?
[The author is a physician by profession.]   
[1] Peter Doshi. Bull World Health Organ 2011;89:532–538  doi:10.2471/BLT.11.086173
[6] The Corona Virus COVID 19 Pandemic : The Real Danger is Agenda ID 2020, Peter Koenig, Global Research, March 12, 2020.  


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