The Imperialist Effort of Spreading Misinformation Is Going On Unabated

Dr. Bhaskar Chakraborty We are sad that we have been proved correct! That, by research performed by accredited scientists, it has now been proved beyond doubt that the COVID vaccines are dangerous to mankind. It is like a double edged sword, though. To the people who have accepted the vaccines (a large section of the population have done so), it is very sensitive to bring up the subject of the danger that they have exposed themselves to, and if we do not, we will be held guilty of dereliction of duty to the society. In end September, 2022, a British Indian Cardiologist have accused the Pfizer COVID vaccines of contributing to the sudden death of his father 1 . From the inception of group Global Rational Alliance for Public Health (GRAPH), from 2021, and then after the formation of the organisation People’s Alliance for Public Health (PAPH), in 2022, we have been campaigning against the dangers posed by the COVID vaccines. Our campaigns were founded on the prim...