Dr. Bhaskar Chakraborty

Imperialism had reached its zenith in the beginning of the 20th century, in terms of colonising independant countries and accumulation of capital by way of exploitation of their agricultural and mineral wealth, and labour power. At that point of time, imperialists did not know of any other way of exploitation of mankind. From the beginning of the Second World War, the march of imperialism was halted, and independance struggles in the colonies intensified. As a result, after the WWII, many colonies had to be awarded a so called Independance, keeping them however, under the indirect economic and hence political control of the erstwhile rulers, in the garb of alliances, the Commonwealth etc. However, in the aftermath of WWII, many colonies, who fought for independance, achieved real freedom, changing their socioeconomic fabric in the process. Imperialism got a big blow from all these. They abandoned overt geographical domination for the present and concentrated on social domination, creeping capitalism into the social fabric. They learnt from the Nazis and dominated the media by capital. Once the media was infused with capital, and put firmly under the folds of imperialists, they embarked upon utilising the social spaces in enhancing capitalism and imperialism. Education, Health, Sports, Arts and Performing Arts, Logistics, all the sectors were drawn in this fold and made to work for the accumulation of capital. The Service Sector was born.
In this article I will try to draw your attention to how the health care delivery sector is being used in favour of capitalism and imperialism, in other words, to the health capitalism. I will assume that the readers shall understand that any business, be it in the production sector, or in the service sector, genarate a surplus value (profit), and this is the process of accumulation of capital, rather the process of private usurption of a social surplus.
The development of modern medicine as also that of public health have started in Europe with a legacy which has started in the middle east and which has in its turn, depended heavily on a rich heritage from India and the south east asian countries. This development has started under the patronage of the government of the european countries of that era, the imperialist governments of that era, with a basic aim of keeping sanitation in their own countries, avoiding the contamination spreading from the tropics, and keeping their imperialist army and other cadres safe from these contaminations in the colonies. Like the economic neglect of the colonies they have ruled, imperialists have drawn upon the rich heritage of science and culture of these colonies, but neglected and suppressed the spontanaeous development of these same heritage. The same has been the case with the medical knowledge usurped from countries that the imperialists have ruled.
Peoples’ medicine (of whichever hue it may be) have started to evolve in the world along with peoples’ science and peoples’ culture from after the establishment of peoples’ regimes in different countries like Russia (which then had evolved to the USSR), China, and others.
Modern medicine, in the hands of the imperialists has never been a medicine, of, for and by the people. Being devoid of peoples’ participation notwithstanding, modern medicine had often drawn upon peoples’ experiences and developed itself. A stark example of this is the development of small pox vaccine by Edward Jenner, from the experience of the milkmen who contacted cowpox, being immune from smallpox. Even if it was devoid of peoples’ participation, till a few decades earlier, modern medicine was within the bounds of the government funded universities. There was some sanity in the science being pursued at that time in the sense that all was not being done only with the profit motive in mind. On the contrary, the pharmaceutical industry was just growing, and profited only from the sales of the drugs prescribed within the bounds of the health care delivery system. The medical intrumentation industry was of a similar nature. The practice of medicine ran by the medical ethics of the times. Although unethical influences by the medical instrumentation and pharma industry were creeping onto the HCDS, but it was not of scale.
Pressure of super profits, pressure of the imperialists overturned this situation. The imperialists learnt the value of advertisement in shaping public choice, which went on to generating public opinion. The imperialists foresaw the value of media blitzkrieg in generation of public opinion, through a slew of opinions, unsupported facts and figures, half truths and blatant lies. In the decades following the WWII, many non conformist governments were toppled, and many more were made into puppet regimes, in Asia, Africa and South America, with the use of economic ‘experts’, conmen in other words, and the imperialist media. The creation and hyped success of these economic conmen in building growth plans for countries, also were played into the public mind by the imperialist media. Experiments were also started in the health care delivery sector by the pharma industry in the form of advertisement and unethical endorsements of unnecessary, even harmful, baby feeds, health tonics, multivitamin preparations, unnecessary cough syrups and so on. The advertisements were not only played in the newspapers, magazines and bill boards, but were also taken personally to clinicians who were encouraged to prescribe these in exchange of unethical favours. The experiments were grand successes. More and more profit came by the promotion of unnecessary products in the health care delivery system. The pressure grew within the pharma industry to raise this to a higher level.
Struggle against these unethical profiteering, however, grew from among some clinicians and groups of clinicians who rose up against such unethical practices. The stream of ‘rational medicine’ came into being. Although it was not ‘people’s medicine’, it stood firmly against the unethical practices as a movement of the medical fraternity. These movements developed in Europe in the main but mention must also be made of a small centre in Savar, Bangladesh, led by Dr. Zafarulla Chowdhury. These movements gained a considerable momentum all over the world and alongwith the movements for the demand of responsive, dynamic and all pervasive public sector health care delivery systems, influenced the Alma Ata assembly of the WHO, in 1977, to declare “Health For All by 2000”. These rational medicine movements also influenced the creation of the Essential Drug List by the WHO, first in 1978. The pharma industry was not amused at all!
Preparations began for alliances between the pharma and medical instrumentation industry. Preparations also began for large scale privatisation of the health care delivery system in the erstwhile colonies. A new sector also jumped onto the bandwagon of profiteering, the health insurance. These preparations were on full swing in the decade starting 1980 and by the next decade, there was a new entity in the market, the Medical Industrial Complex (MIC), a new playing ground of capital with alliances of pharmaceutical, medical instrumentation, health care delivery and health insurance sectors. Of late, a part of the artificial intelligence sector has also joined in. These alliances resulted in the usurption of smaller imperialists by larger ones and accumulation of capital in the hands of a few corporate entities all over the world. This has been, however, the story with all industry, all over the world. A few imperialist houses now control the capital of the whole world, through many subsidiary corporate houses.
At the prepratory phase of the emergence of the MIC, the imperialists understood the necessity of bringing in a paradigm change, a change in the concept of health care, which was to be inculcated among the people, woven into the social fabric, so much so, that people will not question the system changes which was in the offing, to be brought in by the pharmaceutical, medical instrumentation, health care delivery and health insurance sectors.
Thus, the world over, from the 1990s, a concerted effort was seen in weakening the public health care delivery system, by the elected governments, more so in the erstwhile colonies which were then under the Strategic Adjustment Programmes (SAP) dictated by the imperialist countries. At the same time, private health care delivery (HCDS) institutions began to be established in these erstwhile colonies. The media began singing and dancing to the tune of how beautiful these private HCDS were and what a poor state the public HCDS was in. Thus began a paradigm change of the necessity of the private corporates in the HCDS. Even before 1990, the service of a clinician, was legally established as a commodity in many of these erstwhile colonies. The Consumer Protection Act was passed in 1986 in India and it included the HCDS as well. This was the first paradigm change which started. A change in the public opinion of the superiority of the private corporates in HCDS, over the public HCDS.
The superiority of the private HCDS was also hailed by the propagandists of health insurance sector, which was also a stakeholder in MIC. This paradigm change was based on the concept that it was an investment in your own health. And who does not know that a good investment gives you good returns in times of need? This was perhaps the most profound paradigm change of health as a commodity. Yet, books and films by independant filmmakers are many on the extremely poor rating of the insurance based HCDS of the US as against the public funded HCDS of Cuba, the European countries and even Canada. Notwithstanding these criticisms, and overwhelming them with media blitzkrieg of this paradigm change, the erstwhile colonies, were forced into the insurance based HCDS, under the SAP dictated by the imperialist countries.
From the 1990s, there arose a number of sponsored professional clinical associations, and a number of old professional clinical associations were brought under the control of imperialist fundings. Trust funds, the holding agencies of the imperialists, began sponsoring clinical studies and trials, in many cases under the professionals who lead these same sponsored professional associations. Thus, through the sponsored clinical associations, the private HCDS, and the sponsored clinical studies and trials which were bound to be lopsided, the clinicians the world over were brought into the imperialist way of life, with the profit motive as the sole driving force. They were easy preys to the imperialist propaganda of a paradigm change, like a war against cancer. As if you can eliminate cancer from the populace! A whole topic now exists with hundreds of books published from the US itself on how the principle of first do no harm was thrown to the winds in dealing with cancer. Books abound on how much unnecessary and harmful treatments were done on innocent and gullible victims. Studies on this subject can also be found among professional bodies, and government institutions including NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence), UK.
Paradigm changes has also been done with infectious diseases. Infetious diseases which were not eradicable, were declared eradicable and war was declared on them, losing a sizeable portion from the public exchequer before the truth dawned upon the government agencies . Here, I am mentioning about of the erstwhile National Malaria Eradication Programme in India.
Paradigm changes have been achieved on the concepts of Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension. Accusations abound that the cut off levels of blood sugar and blood pressure for the diagnoses of these two diseases, were arbitrarily designated by some professional associations, thereby bringing more of the populace under the fold of precription medicines, which have increased the profit of the pharma industry to ten folds.
Paradigm changes had happened in the field of nutrition, by the observation of professional associations on the harm done by fat in diet, and the benefit of some particular sort of cooking oil. These were proved to be wrong, later and declared such by the same associations but without accepting responsibility for the change in lifestyle brought about by the observations and adverse health events arising therefrom.
Paradigm changes were brought into the public understanding by some small study on iodine deficiency in Sub Himalayan India and was blown out of proportion as a public health threat to benefit the industry of fortification of salt with iodine. We are waiting for a study to happen which will weigh the benefits and adverse fall outs of such a move of fortification of salt with iodine, as happened in India.
Paradigm changes which are out of sync with the basic sciences are now in the norm in the clinical world. Based on this new norm, the imperialists embarked upon, what they themselves have termed as the fourth industrial revolution. I hate to call it a new world order, which has a note of bringing in something new, something hopeful. This is actually an old form of exploitation, a fascist exploitation, albeit it has developed into world fascism.
Shortly, after the the WHO was forced to publish an EDL in 1978, which was really an essential drug list, the pharmaceutical industry started on a programme to dilute its effect. It was not made mandatory upon member states to declare their own EDLs in line with the WHO. The EDL of the WHO began to be expanded every year with inclusion of more and more non essential drugs. The EDL committee began to be filled with representatives from the pharmaceutical houses, and they were masquaraded as experts in their fields. Also the WHO began to be funded more and more by the pharmaceutical industry, the medical instrumentation industry, the private HCDS, and the trust funds. Nowadays the WHO is a funded organisation, of the MIC, their chief patron being the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The imperialists, through the MIC, and the MIC in turn through the WHO in the main and also through some collateral channels is continuing its effort in conquering the whole of the world into one single system of accumulation of capital.
The imperialists have prepared for more than a decade and brought upon the people the first successful fake pandemic in 2020. Other fake pandemics were tried with Influenza viruses, the bird flu, and the swine flu but those failed to be all pervasive and failed to usher in the fourth industrial revolution, in the words of Klaus Schwabb. The COVID 19 pandemic was thus the first sucessful fake pandemic.
To make it happen, the paradigm changes that were incorporated in the medical concepts were also prepared for a long time ago. The definition of a pandemic was surreptiously changed by the WHO in 2009. All textbooks of Medicine and Community Medicine, still teach us that for a disease to happen a triad of Agent, Host and Environmental factors need to act on a particular human being at the same point of time. During the COVID 19 fake pandemic, this concept was changed to the reductionist point of view that the presence of an infection by SARS CoV2 means a person with a COVID 19 disease. This was not enough to instill a fear psychosis in the minds of the total populace in the so called first wave. So at the begining of the so called second wave, an advisory was sent from the WHO to the effect that any person who has a COVID 19 positive test report and dies, should be declared dead due to COVID 19, even if he has concurrent heart ailments, kidney diseases, cancer and so on. This would hold true for the COVID like symptoms also. Thus the numbers of COVID deaths skyrocketed in the second wave and created the fear psychoses. We shall here better remember that the diagnostic test ratified by the WHO for SARS CoV 2 has been decried by scientists the world over as fraudulent, and there can never be any COVID like symptoms, as the symptoms of all upper respiratory pathogenic viruses are the same. So, armed with the paradigm changes, the first successful fake pandemic could be forced upon the people, in the history of mankind. Hence the cheering by the captain of the imperialists, Klaus Scwabb, that it was the intrument for the fourth industrial revolution.
The fake pandemic was the backdrop, the intellectual justification of the intrument of attack on the people. The instrument with which the imperialists have attacked the people, pushing people out of their jobs, and small capital out of business, grabbing the space left by the small capital, enacting draconian laws on the workers and peasants, debarring all movement, all dissent, flow of independant information, was the lockdown. The above was not however the whole gamut of significance of lockdown.
The lockdown can only be seen along with the fear psychosis, the universal COVID vaccination drive, and the constituent substances of the vaccines to understand the complete significance, of the gameplan.
The lockdown, no doubt locked down people in their homes while the imperialists had a free run of the entire world. Apart from that, we shall better remember that after the allegation of surveillance of the entire population by way of cellular phones, allegation has again come up that the imperialists have found an even better way of surveillance of the entire population, by way of the COVID vaccines. Corporates have themselves claimed, from the World Economic Forum, that they have the technology to include microchips in the form of a glue, into vaccines, and such pilot projects were started on children in Bangladesh. What better way of tracking the entire population, if the tracking signal comes from under the skin of the individuals. People can dodge cellular phones easily, if they know and they know, thanks to Edward Snowden.
In this backdrop, shall we take a look at the Card Regime that the world in general, and the erstwhile colonies in particular is now going through? People now have to carry a multitude of cards. For Indian citizens, they are the PAN cards, the AADHAR cards, the travel cards (for city railways public transport), the ration cards, the health insurance cards, the employee identification card, etc., all linked to the biometric identification data put up in the government system, which are far from being secure, and which may be traded even by the government itself for filling up their exchequer. It looks like, the people who have cautioned us for surveillance capitalism have underestimated the ability of imperialism and the crony states, in mischief! They have thought only of surveillance, now look what the imperialists have cooked up. With all these cards in place, came the health insurance cards for the public funded HCDS. By way of this move the state allowed a full scale private industry from within the premises of the public funded HCDS. Partial use of the public premises were being allowed from the second decade of this century. In India, West Bengal bore the brunt the most, as here, the health insurance cards were made mandatory for all government hospitals.
More sinister allegations have also come up. Most of the vaccines, particularly those that were recognised by the imperialist countries and the WHO, were mRNA vaccines, which are genetically engineered products, meant to start a genetical modification in the body of the recepient. It is a personal call, whether you will allow this to happen on your body, but to decide on that you must have all the information available in front of you and then be given adequate time to decide. In the universal vaccination drive, these processes of informed consent were a luxury, which were not afforded by either the state or the corporates, forcing people, by administrative notices, fear psychoses, and strong arm tactics of ruling political parties to fall in line. Scientists, later came up with proven adverse effects of the mRNA vaccines. One of these, myocarditis, were then mandated to be written on the labels of the vaccines as a possible adverse effect. Many more such adverse effects are yet to come out in the open, I guess. Leading experts the world over have been cautioning us over the possibility of having disorders of both bleeding and blood clotting due to these vaccines. People have alleged that supporters of eugenics, one of the theoretical descendants of Nazism, have a sinister plan of depopulation of the world by this process. Bill Gates (per chance?) have been alleged to hail from a family of supporters of eugenics.
If it sounds too far fetched, I must remind my readers of the holocaust, the precision of usage of a human being and his body (after murdering him), by the Nazi organizations, the imperialist nuclear holocaust and the imperialist wars, which have killed people like cannon fodder, in hundreds of thousands, wars based on lies, and pushed on the people. I must remind them of Winston Churchil, who diverted food supplies from Bengal to the British Army in excess of their needs, during the WWII and caused the Bengal Famine of 1943, and who commented that the people of India die because they reproduce by the dozen. I must remind them of the deaths caused by Non Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis caused due to the increase in the doses of pulse polio vaccinations. I must remind them of the deaths caused by AZT, the drug that was touted as a treatment of AIDS. I must remind them of the unethical clinical trials with HPV vaccinations which caused deaths of minor girls in India. And I must ask them to please search up and find who were responsible for all these deaths resulting from so called treatments. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind. I must ask my friends, to be as much human as to be able to question the designs of imperialists, rather than be paranoid on us who question the imperialist designs.
The lockdown had one serious defect, looking from the viewpoint of the imperialists and fascists. It had no legal sanction in many countries of the world. Many countries had their parliamentary political composition so complicated that the immediate passage of laws favouring blanket and partial lockdowns would have put the ruling powers in front of uncomfortable questions. This would probably have been worse in India with the severe opposition to the farm laws brought about by the government and the memory of ‘long march’ of the workers back to their home states, fresh in the minds of the populace. The imperialists, however could not wait a long time. Time is money for them, and they have embarked upon the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ in their oen words. Who wants to wait during a revolution!
So upon the nudging of the imperialists, the states of the erstwhile colonies, nay the neo colonies of the world, formally demanded a treaty among all member states of the WHO, a treaty that will bind the member states to pass laws in their respective countries to lock down the whole or part of the country as per the recommendation from the WHO. In other words, the imperialists, the fascists, tried formally to put an UN body, the WHO as the dictatorial authority of the whole world. They wanted to create a super state out of the WHO.
Here, we must keep in mind that even the UN, conceptually is not a super state. On the other hand, the imperialists, have surreptiously pushed instruments of super state power, into the constitutional framework of the WHO from the beginning of this century, and have surreptiously went on strengthening them. One such instrument is the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005. Hence, the second special session of the World Health Assembly, the first being in 1948, was declared. In that special session, a declaration was signed to create a pandemic treaty which will be binding on all the member states through the instrument of the IHR, 2005.
This treaty would have forced all the member states to bring in laws legalising lockdowns, forced diagnosis, forced treatments and other draconian restrictive measures on the prescription of the WHO. The law which is still in the offing in India, will put the country in a state of perpetual emergency, a perpetual police state. No other restrictive law on the people would have been necessary, if it is passed.
However not all country followed the dictat of the imperialists. Dissensions arose from among the heads of state and some of them came up with the question of consent for treatment.
We shall here better remember once again, the Nuremberg Trials, which brought to the fore, the inhuman experiments and treatment of the Nazi medical teams on innocent civilians and prisoners of war. Thereafter came the Nuremberg Code, which have settled once and for all that no treatment may be forced upon the body of an individual, and on no reason whatsoever.
The Pandemic Treaty in the international arena as also its downstream law in India, are pending as yet. They are not going to be kept pending for ever. Resistance must be developed against both by all people and organisations who have the least responsibility to democracy.
Terrifying news does not end in the Pandemic Treaty and the downstream laws in the WHO member countries.
We have witnessed decades long destruction of biodiversity, which have resulted in loss of biodiversity in our food also. For an example, more than a hundred species of rice have been lost for ever in the race for overproduction, which needed chemical fertilisers and pesticides thus changing the character of the soil. If we think, we shall notice, that this loss of biodiversity is leading to lack of many vitamins and minerals in human nutrition and hence the need has arisen to fortify our staple foods with vitamins and minerals. This fortification drive will lead more and more towards a tendency of uniform cultivation and uniform diet. Apart from the economic means of control over food (most farmland in the US now belongs to a few families), this may also be a method of control, a control over the choice of food, a cultural control, which goes very well with fascism.
Control of the environment has also long been a reality. Operation Sober Popeye was a military cloud seeding project carried out by the US Air Force during the Vietnam War in 1967–1972. The highly classified program attempted to extend the monsoon season over specific areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, in order to disrupt North Vietnamese military supplies by softening road surfaces and causing landslides. It is now five decades from then and military research in five decades can be overwhelming. A leading politician in India has recently alleged that the excessive rainfall in his province, is man made and the handiwork of an outside agency. We, thus cannot do away with the possibility of environmental control by the world fascists.
Together with these three prongs of attack, the legal attack on the pretext of an epidemic or pandemic, food control, and environmental control, world fascism has now set firmly in. What does the future hold for us? Can we eradicate this fascism from the world? Can we even have some breathing space in at least some parts of the world? Can we build up a viable struggle against it? Hope will dawn on us if we, the people, rise up and help ourselves.


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